Veena Das | Braves By their Broken Hearts! (Motivation)

How we might treat philosophical and literary traditions from India and other regions as foundations of theoretical and practical understanding of the world? Before knowing about this, let's know about this Anthropologist who's studies are mainly based on the Violence & Social Sufferings in communities. 

Violence became a fashion in Modern-Day society. Each individual is forgetting the concept of Unity and Equality.. The independent living of individuals broken down the relations and social togetherness..

  • Anthropology is the scientific study of humans, human behavior and societies in the past and present. Veena Das is Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Anthropology at the Johns Hopkins University. 
  • Before 2000, she taught at the Delhi School of Economics for more than thirty years and also held a joint appointment at the New School for Social Research, New York from 1997- 2000. 
  • Her graduate students are working on a number of issues in different parts of the world and her work is deeply informed by her heady interactions with them.
  • Her most recent books are Life and Words: Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary (2007), Affliction: Health, Disease, Poverty (2015), The Ground Between: Anthropologists Engage Philosophy (2014), Living and Dying in the Contemporary World: A Compendium (2015)
  • She has taught graduate level courses on Anthropology and Historiography, Performance Theory and Anthropology and Philosophy. 
  • She has taught upper level undergraduate courses on the themes of Death and Dying. Violence and Non-Violence, Visual Vocabularies in Medicine, and lower level courses such as “Invitation to Anthropology” by forming groups of students!
  • She is doing research on the domestic and social violence experienced by women before 19th Century in the India.

She often described in her books, "Violence creates divisions and connections that point to the tremendous dangers that human beings pose to each other. Social Descriminations are the foremost things that create violence in society."


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